Friday, March 27, 2009

Yoga Postures

The chart below describes some of the fundamental yoga postures. The sequence can be performed in order.

Sukhasana-Sit/Easy Position

A starting position that helps focus awareness on breathing and the body; helps strengthen lower back and open the groin and hips.

Sit cross-legged with hands on knees. Focus on your breath. Keep your spine straight and push the sit bones down into the floor. Allow the knees to gently lower. If the knees rise above your hips, sit on a cushion or block. This will help support your back and hips. Take 5-10 slow, deep breaths. On the next inhale, raise your arms over your head. Exhale and bring your arms down slowly. Repeat 5-7 times.


Increases flexibility of spine

This is really two poses, one flowing into the other. Begin on your hands and knees. Keep your hands just in front of your shoulders, your legs about hip width apart. As you inhale, tilt the tailbone and pelvis up, and let the spine curve downward, dropping the stomach low, and lift your head up. Stretch gently. As you exhale, move into cat by reversing the spinal bend, tilting the pelvis down, drawing the spine up and pulling the chest and stomach in.


Improves posture, balance and self-awareness.

A deceptive pose in that it appears so simple that some students may ask - "why bother?" But just as there's more to breathing than meets the eye, there is more to standing, too.

Stand with feet together, hands at your sides, eyes looking forward. Raise your toes, fan them open, then place them back down on the floor. Feel your heel, outside of your foot, toes and ball of your foot all in contact with the floor. Tilt your pubic bone slightly forward. Raise your chest up and out, but within reason - this isn't the army and you're not standing at attention. Raise your head up and lengthen the neck by lifting the base of your skull toward the ceiling. Stretch the pinky on each hand downward, then balance that movement by stretching your index fingers. Push into the floor with your feet and raise your legs, first the calves and then the thighs.

Breathe. Hold the posture, but try not to tense up. Breathe. As you inhale, imagine the breath coming up through the floor, rising through your legs and torso and up into your head. Reverse the process on the exhale and watch your breath as it passes down from your head, through your chest and stomach, legs and feet.

Hold for 5 to 10 breaths, relax and repeat.

On your next inhale, raise your arms over head (Urdhava Hastasana) and hold for several breaths. Lower your arms on an exhale.

As a warm up, try synchronizing the raising and lowering of your arms with your breath - raise, inhale; lower, exhale. Repeat 5 times.

Uttanasana-Forward Bend or Extension

Stretches the legs and spine, rests the heart and neck, relaxes mind and body

Begin standing straight in Mountain pose or Tadasana. Inhale and raise the arms overhead. Exhale, bend at the hips, bring the arms forward and down until you touch the floor. It's okay to bend your knees, especially if you're feeling stiff. Either grasp your ankles or just leave your hands on the floor and breathe several times. Repeat 3-5 times. On your last bend, hold the position for 5 or 10 breaths. To come out of the pose, curl upward as if pulling yourself up one vertebrae at a time, stacking one on top of another, and leaving the head hanging down until last.


1. Follow the instructions for the basic pose described above, but instead of holding the pose for several breaths, come up on the inhale. Extend your arms forward as your rise until you are standing straight and your arms are overhead. Exhale and bend forward. Repeat the process 5 times.

2. Go into the pose and take 3 deep breaths. Inhale and raise your head, but keep your hands on the floor. Hook each index finger around each big toe, exhale and come down. Hold for several breaths

3. Inhale and raise your head, again keeping your hands on the floor. This time, slide your hands under your feet so that the tips of your toes are touching heel of your hands. Hold for several breaths.

4. After bending forward, fold your arms and hang for as long as is comfortable. A very relaxing pose.

5. To come out of the pose, curl upward as if pulling yourself up one vertebrae at a time, stacking one on top of another, and leaving the head hanging down until last.

Trikonasana - the Triangle

Stretches the spine, opens the torso, improves balance and concentration.

Start with your spread 3-4 feet apart, feet parallel. Turn your left foot 90 degrees to the left and your right foot about 45 degrees inward. Inhale and raise both arms so they're parallel with the floor. Exhale, turn your head to the left and look down your left arm toward your outstretched fingers. Check that your left knee is aligned with your left ankle. Take a deep breath and stretch outward to the left, tilting the left hip down and the right hip up. When you've stretched as far as you can, pivot your arms, letting your left hand reach down and come to rest against the inside of your calf, while your right arms points straight up. Turn and look up at your right hand. Breathe deeply for several breaths. Inhale, and straighten up. Exhale, lower your arms. Put your hands on your hips and pivot on your heels, bringing your feet to face front. Repeat the posture on the other side.


Strengthens legs and arms; improves balance and concentration; builds confidence

Begin in mountain pose with feet together and hands at side. Step your feet 4-5 feet apart. Turn your right foot about 45 degrees to the left. Turn your left foot 90 degrees to the left so that it is pointing straight out to the side. Slowly bend the left knee until the thigh is parallel with the floor, but keep the knee either behind or directly over your ankle. Raise your arms over head. Then slowly lower them until your left arm is pointing straight ahead and your right arm is pointing back. Concentrate on a spot in front of you and breathe. Take 4 or 5 deep breaths, lower your arms, bring your legs together. Reverse the position.

Bhujangasana-The Cobra

Stretches the spine, strengthens the back and arms, opens the chest and heart.

Lie down on your stomach. Keep your legs together, arms at your side, close to your body, with your hands by your chest.

Step 1: Inhaling, slowly raise your head and chest as high as it will go. Keep your buttocks muscles tight to protect your lower back. Keep your head up and chest and heart out. Breathe several times and then come down. Repeat as necessary.

Step 2: Follow the steps above. When you've gone as high as you can, gently raise yourself on your arms, stretching the spine even more. Only go as far as you are comfortable. Your pelvis should always remain on the floor. Breathe several times and come down.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Builds strength, flexibility and awareness; stretches the spine and hamstrings; rests the heart.

Start on your hands and knees. Keep your legs about hip width apart and your arms shoulder width apart. Your middle fingers should be parallel, pointing straight ahead. Roll your elbows so that the eye or inner elbow is facing forward. Inhale and curl your toes under, as if getting ready to stand on your toes. Exhale and straighten your legs; push upward with your arms. The goal is to lengthen the spine while keeping your legs straight and your feet flat on the ground. However, in the beginning it's okay to bend the knees a bit and to keep your heels raised. The important thing is to work on lengthening the spine. Don't let your shoulders creep up by your ears -- keep them down. Weight should be evenly distributed between your hands and feet. Hold the position for a few breaths. Come down on and exhale. Repeat several times, synchronizing with your breath: up on the exhale and down on the inhale.

Janu Shirshasana-Head to Knee

Stretches and opens back and hamstrings, improves flexibility

Sit on the floor with legs extended in front of you. Bend one leg, bringing the heel of the foot as close to the groin as possible. You may want to place a pillow under the bent knee for comfort. Make sure your sitz bones are firmly grounded on the floor and that your spine is straight. Turn your body slightly so you face out over the extended leg. Inhale and raise your arms over head. Exhale and begin to move forward slowly. Try to keep the back as straight as possible. Instead of bending at the hips, focus on lifting the tailbone and rolling forward on your sitz bones. Inhale and lengthen and straighten the spine. Exhale and roll forward, however slightly. To get a bit more forward movement, engage your quadriceps (thigh muscles) as you move forward. This releases the hamstrings, giving you a bit more flexibility. When you've moved as far forward as you can, lower the arms and grasp your foot, or leg. Hold the position for a moment and breathe. Then on the next exhale gently pull yourself forward. Go slowly and remember to keep the back straight. When done, straighten up and do the other side.

Ardha Sarvangasana-Half Shoulderstand

Promotes proper thyroid function, strengthens abdomen, stretches upper back, improves blood circulation, induces relaxation

You probably remember doing this as a kid. Lie on your back and lift your legs up into air. Place your hands on your lower back for support, resting your elbows and lower arms on the ground. Make sure your weight is on your shoulders and mid to upper back -- not your neck. Breathe deeply and hold for at the posture for at least 5-10 breaths, increasing the hold over time. To come down, slowly lower your legs, keeping them very straight -- a little workout for your abdominal muscles.

Sethu Bandhasa-The Bridge

Increases flexibility and suppleness; strengthens the lower back and abdominal muscles; opens the chest.

Lie on your back with your knees up and hands at your side Your feet should be near your buttocks about six inches apart. To begin, gently raise and lower your tail. Then, slowly, raise the tailbone and continue lifting the spine, trying to move one vertebra at a time until your entire back is arched upward. Push firmly with your feet. Keep your knees straight and close together. Breathe deeply into your chest. Clasp your hands under your back and push against the floor.

Take five slow, deep breaths.Come down slowly and repeat.


Relaxes and refreshes the body and mind, relieves stress and anxiety, quiets the mind

Possibly the most important posture, the Corpse, also known as the Sponge, is as deceptively simple as Tadasana, the Mountain pose. Usually performed at the end of a session, the goal is conscious relaxation. Many people find the "conscious" part the most difficult because it is very easy to drift off to sleep while doing Savasana. Begin by lying on your back, feet slightly apart, arms at your sides with palms facing up. Close your eyes and take several slow, deep breaths. Allow your body to sink into the ground. Try focusing on a specific part of the body and willing it to relax. For example, start with your feet, imagine the muscles and skin relaxing, letting go and slowly melting into the floor. From your feet, move on to your calves, thighs and so on up to your face and head. Then simply breathe and relax. Stay in the pose for at least 5-10 minutes.

Click below to see the above Yoga Postures

Yoga Postures

Aditya Hridayam Stotram & Sun Salutation (surya namaskar)-core steps used in most styles.

 Aditya Hridayam Mantra – Meaning

Aditya hrudayam is a Stotra by Sage Agastya to Lord Sri Rama at the battle field between Ravana and Rama. The great Cosmic Sage Agastya dictates this hymns of Sun God to Sri Rama to ensure Victory to him. Thus forms part of the yuddha Kanda (Canto 107) of Ramayana by Sage Valmiki said to be written around twenty thousand years ago.

Aditya hrudayam contains the innovative hymns with many secrets and hidden meanings. The Jnana, Jnata, and Jneyam is completed as Sage Agastya is the Jnana and the Lord Rama Jnata and the presiding deity Jneyam is Sun in the heart. Thus the Triputi is completed. Hence it has come to be known as Aditya hrudayam.

Further Sage Agastya has stated that success is assured for all those who recite these Sloka thrice a day.

Rama went to exile at the behest of his father King Dasaradha. In the forest Ravana adducted Sita the wife of Rama who waged a righteous war against Ravana to bring back his wife Sita from the clutches of Rakshasa Ravana. In this Context he fought the battle against Ravana. Sage Agastya came there at that time to initiate this Aditya hrudayam to Sri Rama in the irreconceivable situation in the battle for his victory.

It is said that Consciousness in the man and in the cosmos Sun is the same. Absolute consciousness is being understood only with the help of speech. These mystic words are interwoven in these Slokas. The Slokas third to twenty four Synchronises with the twenty four letters of Gayatri Mantra.

In Aditya hrudayam there are thirty Slokas in total. In this the first and second sloka depicts the arrival of sage Agastya to Sri Rama. The third stated the greatness of the Stotra, the fourth sloka explained about happiness, liberation and knowledge. The fifth will remove the related sins and with hold sorrows. From Sixth to fifteenth the description pertains to self effulgence and impresses that one pervading out side and inside is same. From Sixteenth to twentieth slokas are very important for mantra Japa. Here cosmic greatness of Sun God Surya as the internal Caitanya in us is high lighted. Further the creator is one and not two is impressed. The human body consists Sapta Dhatu’s and in this dwells, only paramatma.

The Slokas from Twenty to twenty four are Mantra Slokas extolling Sun God. From twenty fifth to thirtieth the method of recital by Sri Rama and invoking God to bless him with the requisite strength for the victory in the battle field is stated.
Savita (Surya) is the God for Gayatri Mantra.


Tato yuddhaparishraantam samare chinmayaa sthitam.
raavanam chaagrato drushtva yuddhaaya samupasthitam.1

MEANING:  Rama, exhausted and about to face Ravana ready for a fresh battle was lost deep in contemplation.

Daivataishcha samaagamya drashhtumabhyaagato ranam..
upaagamyaa braviidraama magastyo bhagavaan rishhi.. 2

MEANING:  The all knowing sage Agastya who had joined the Gods to witness the battle spoke to Rama thus

Raama Raama mahaabaaho shrnu guhyam sanaatanam .
yena sarvaanariinvatsa samare vijayishhyasi .. 3

MEANING: Oh Rama, mighty-armed Rama, listen to this eternal secret, which will help you destroy all your enemies in battle

Aaditya hrudayam punyam sarva shatru vinaashanam .
Jayaavaham japennityam akshayyam paramam shivam 4

MEANING: This holy hymn dedicated to the Sun deity will result in destroying all enemies and bring you victory and never ending supreme bliss.

Sarvamangalamaangalyam sarvapaapapranaashanam .
Chintaashokaprashamanam aayurvardhanamuttamam .. 5

MEANING: This hymn is supreme and is a guarantee of complete prosperity and is the destroyer of sin, anxiety, anguish and is the bestower of longevity.

Rashmimantam samudyantam devaasuranamaskritam .
Puujayasva vivasvantam bhaaskaram bhuvaneshvaram.. 6

MEANING:  Worship the One, possessed of rays when he has completely risen, held in reverence by the devas and asuras, and who is the Lord of the universe by whose efflugence all else brighten.

Sarvadevaatmako hyeshha tejasvii rashmibhaavanah .
Eshha devaasuraganaa.nllokaan paati gabhastibhi .. 7

MEANING:  He indeed represent the totality of all celestial beings. He is self-luminous and sustains all with his rays. He nourishes and energizes the inhabitants of all the worlds and the race of Devas and Asuras.

Eshhah brahmaa cha vishhnushcha shivah skandah prajaapati .
Mahendro dhanadah kaalo yamah somo hyapaam patim .. 8

MEANING: He is Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Skands, Prajapati. He is also Mahendra, kubera, kala, yama, soma and varuna.

Pitaro vasavah saadhyaa hyashvinau maruto manuh .
Vaayurvanhih prajaapraana ritukartaa prabhaakarah .. 9

MEANING:  He is the pitrs, vasus, sadhyas, aswini devas, maruts, manu, vayu, agni, prana and, being the source of all energy and light, is the maker of all the six seasons.

Aadityah savitaa suuryah khagah puushhaa gabhastimaan .
Suvarnasadrsho bhaanu rvishvaretaa divaakarah .. 10

MEANING:  He is the son of Aditi, creator of the universe, inspirer of action, transverser of the heavens. He is the sustainer, illumination of all directions, the golden hued brilliance and is the maker of the day.

Haridashvah sahasraarchih saptasaptirmariichimaan..
Timironmathanah shambhustvashhtaa maartandam anshumaan 11

MEANING:  He is the Omnipresent One who pervades all with countless rays. He is the power behind the seven sense organs, the dispeller of darkness, bestower of happiness & prosperity, the remover of misfortunes and is the infuser of life.

Hiranyagarbhah shishirastapano bhaaskaro ravih .
Agnigarbhoaditeh putrah shankha shishiranaashanah 12

MEANING: He is the primordial being manifesting as the Trinity. He ushers in the Day and is the teacher (of Hiranyagarbha), the fire-wombed, the son of Aditi, and has a vast and supreme felicity.

Vyomanaatha stamobhedii rig yajuh saama paaragah .
Ghana vrishhti rapaam mitro vindhya viithii plavangamah .. 13

MEANING:  He is the remover of intellectual dull-headedness. He is the Lord of the firmament, dispeller of darkness. Master of all the vedas, he is a friend of the waters and causes rain. HE has crossed the vindya range and sports in the Brahma Nadi.

Aatapii mandalii mrityuh pingalah sarvataapanah .
Kavirvishvo mahaatejaa raktah sarva bhavod hbhavah .. 14

MEANING:  He, whose form is circular and is colored yellow, is intensely absorbed and inflicts death. He is the destroyer of all and is the Omniscient one being exceedingly energetic sustains the universe and all action.

Nakshatra grahataaraanaam adhipo vishva bhaavanah .
Tejasaamapi tejasvii dvaadashaatman namostute .. 15

MEANING: He is the lord of stars, planets and all constellations. He is the origin of everything in the universe and is the cause of the lustre of even the brilliant ones. Salutations to Thee who is the One being manifest in the twelve forms of the Sun.

Namah puurvaaya giraye pashchimaayaadraye namah .
Jyotirganaanaam pataye dinadhipataye namah .. 16

MEANING:  Salutations to the Eastern and western mountain, Salutations to the Lord of the stellar bodies and the Lord of the Day.

Jayaaya jayabhadraaya haryashvaaya namo namah .
Namo namah sahasraa.nsha aadityaaya namo namah .. 17

MEANING:  Salutations to the One who ordains victory and the prosperity that follows. Salutations to the one possessed of yellow steeds and to the thousand rayed Lord, and to Aditya.

Namah ugraaya viiraaya saarangaaya namo namah .
Namah padma prabodhaaya maartandaaya namo namah .. 18

MEANING: Salutations to the Terrible one, the hero, the one that travels fast. Salutations to the one whose emergence makes the lotus blossom and to the fierce and omnipotent one.

Brahmeshaana achyuteshaaya suuryaayaadityavarchase .
Bhaasvate sarvabhakshaaya raudraaya vapushhe namah .. 19

MEANING:  Salutations to the Lord of Brahma, shiva and Achyuta, salutations to the powerful and to the effulgence in the Sun that is both the illuminator and devourer of all and is of a form that is fierce like Rudra.

Tamoghnaaya himagnaaya shatrughnaaya amitaatmane .
Kritaghnahanaaya devaaya jyotishhaam pataye namah .. 20

MEANING:  Salutations to he transcendental atman that dispels darkness, drives away all fear, and destroys all foes. Salutations also to the annihilator of the ungrateful and to the Lord of all the stellar bodies.

Tapta chaamiika raabhaaya haraye vishvakarmane .
Namastamo.abhinighnaaya ruchaye lokasaakshine .. 21

MEANING: Salutations to the Lord shining like molten gold, to the transcendental fire, the fire of supreme knowledge, the architect of the universe, destroyer of darkness and salutations again to the effulgence that is the Cosmic witness.

Naashayatyeshha vai bhuutam tadeva srijati prabhuuH .
Paayatyeshha tapatyeshha varshhatyeshha gabhastibhih .. 22

MEANING: Salutations to the Lord who destroys everything and creates them again. Salutations to Him who by His rays consumes the waters, heats them up and sends them down as rain.

Eshha supteshhu jaagarti bhuuteshhu parinishhthitah .
Eshha evaagnihotramcha phalam chaivaagnihotrinaamh .. 23

MEANING:  Salutations to the Lord who abides in the heart of all beings keeping awake when they are asleep. He is both the sacrificial fire and the fruit enjoyed by the worshippers.

Vedaashcha kratavashchaiva kratuunaam phalameva cha .
Yaani krityaani lokeshhu sarva eshha ravih prabhuh .. 24

MEANING: The Sun is verily the Lord of all action in this universe. He is verily the vedas, the sacrifices mentioned in them and the fruits obtained by performing the sacrifices.

Enamaapatsu krichchhreshhu kaantaareshhu bhayeshhu cha.
kiirttayanh purushhah kashchin naavasiidati raaghava .. 25

MEANING: Raghava, one who recites this hymn in times of danger, during an affliction or when lost in the wilderness and having fear, he will not lose heart (and become brave).

Puujayasvainamekaagro devadevam jagathpatimh.
Etat.h trigunitam japtvaa yuddheshhu vijayishhyasi .. 26

MEANING: Raghava, worship this Lord of all Gods and the Universe with one-pointed devotion. Recite this hymn thrice and you will win this battle.

Nasminkshane mahaabaaho raavanam tvam vadhishhyasi.
Evamuktavaa tadaa.agastyo jagaamh cha yathaagatamh .. 27

MEANING: O mighty armed one, you shall truimph over Ravana this very moment. Having spoken this, Agastya returned his original place. Raghava became free from worry after hearing this.

Etachchhritvaa mahaatejaa nashhtashoko abhavattadaa.
Dhaarayaamaasa supriito raaghavah prayataatmavaanh .. 28

MEANING: He was greatly pleased and became brave and energetic.

Aaadityam prekshya japtvaa tu param harshhamavaaptavaanh.
Triraachamya shuchirbhuutvaa dhanuraadaaya viiryavaanh .. 29

MEANING: Gazing at the sun with devotion, He recited this hymn thrice and experienced bliss.

Rraavanam prekshya hrushhtaatmaa yuddhaaya samupaagamath.
Sarva yatnena mahataa vadhe tasya dhritoabhavath .. 30

MEANING: Purifying Himself by sipping water thrice, He took up His bow with His mighty arms. Seeing Ravana coming to fight, He put forth all his effort with a determination to destroy Ravana.

Atha ravi ravadanam nirikshyam raama
Muditamanaah paramam prahrishhyamaanah.
Nishicharapatisa nkshayam viditvaa
Suragan amadhyagato vachastvareti .. 31

MEANING:  Then knowing that the destruction of the lord of prowlers at night (Ravana) was near, Aditya, who was at the center of the assembly of the Gods, looked at Rama and exclaimed ‘Hurry up’ with great delight. Purifying Himself by sipping water thrice, He took up His bow with His mighty arms. Seeing Ravana coming to fight, He put forth all his effort with a determination to destroy Ravana.

Suryanamaskar (Sun salutation ) is combination of few asanas. Its roots can be found in yoga philosophy of vedic traditions.

Good for the diseases of the throat. Voice is enhanced. Both mind and body become healthy.

Both the shoulders and the food pipe (Esophagus) get exercise and diseases related to them are corrected. Eyesight is also improved.

Disorders of the belly and digestive system are corrected. The chest and hands become stronger and you become well balanced, beautiful and good looking. Diseases of the feet and fingers are also corrected.

Eka Pad Prasaranasan
The posture stretches the small intestine and the seminal vesicles. Hence this posture helps in correcting the constipation and diseases of the liver. Thinness of the semen is also corrected. Diseases of the throat are also corrected.

Chaturang Dandasan
One gets relief from the pains - specially of arms, legs and the knees. Bulging waist is trimmed and it is good for the abdominal disorders.

Sashtang Pranipatasan
This posture makes the arms strong. If ladies perform this Asana before getting pregnant, the breast fed babies could be saved from the attacks of many diseases.

Urdhvamukh Shwanasan
Tones up the body and the back muscles and improves the eyesight. Corrects all kinds of disorders related to the reproductive system, corrects the irregularities in females menstrual cycles. Blood circulation is also improved

Adhomukh Shwanasan
One gets relief from the pains - specially of arms, legs and the knees. Bulging waist is trimmed and it is good for the abdominal disorders.

Eka Pad Prasaranasan
The posture stretches the small intestine and the seminal vesicles. Hence this posture helps in correcting the constipation and diseases of the liver. Thinness of the semen is also corrected. Diseases of the throat are also corrected.

Disorders of the belly and digestive system are corrected. The chest and hands become stronger and you become well balanced, beautiful and good looking. Diseases of the feet and fingers are also corrected.

13 Mantras

 Mitraya Namah The Friend of All
 Ravaye Namah The Shining One
 Suryaya Namah The One who induces Activity
 Bhanave Namah The One who Illuminates
 Khagaya Namah The One who moves quickly in the Sky
 Pushne Namah The Giver of Strength
 Hiranyagarbhaya Namah The bright Centre of All Energy
 Marichaye Namah The Lord of Dawn
 Adityaya Namah The Son of Aditi
 Savitre Namah The Benevolent Mother
 Arkaya Namah The One who is fit to be Praised
 Bhaskaraya Namah The One who leads to Enlightenment
 Srisavitrusuryanarayanaya Namah The Surya (Sun)

Surya Namaskar is the workout it provides for the muscles, but it also benefits joints, ligaments and the skeletal system by improving posture, flexibility and balance.

Surya Namaskar practice stimulates and conditions virtually every system in the body. It is good for the heart and stimulates the cardiovascular system. It oxygenates the blood and helps strengthen the heart. Surya Namaskar is good for the digestive system and the nervous system. It stimulates the lymphatic system and supports respiratory system health, as well

Surya Namaskar also benefits the Endocrine system and enables the various endocrinal glands to function properly. These include the thyroid, parathyroid and pituitary glands as well as the adrenal gland, testes and ovaries.

Promotes balance, stimulates the respiratory system, exercises shoulder, back and neck muscles
Promotes balance, promotes digestion, exercises arms and shoulder muscles, tones the spine, promotes flexibility in back and hips
Promotes blood circulation, tones abdominal tracts, stretches back and leg muscles, stimulates spinal nerves, stimulates lymphatic system

Exercises spine, strengthens hand and wrist muscles

Stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the heart, strengthens wrist and arm muscles, relieves neck and shoulder tension

Strengthens leg and arm muscles, increases flexibility in neck and shoulders, stretches arms, shoulder, neck and back muscles, exercises back muscles, releases tension in neck and shoulder

Stimulates circulation to abdominal organs, tones digestive tract, stretches upper and lower body, promotes flexibility in the back, stimulates nerves in spine

Surya Namaskar, the Sun Salutation, is a series of 12 postures performed in a single, graceful flow.

Each movement is coordinated with the breath. Inhale as you extend or stretch, and exhale as you fold or contract.

The Sun Salutation builds strength and increases flexibility.

Ttry and do at least one or two rounds of the Sun Salutation. You'll feel the difference.
Always worship the Sun [ Our Energy Source ] sitting at the centre of galaxy, on lotus, wearing Keyur, Makarkundal Crown, holding Conch and Chakra and having glittering golden body
Those who regularly perform Suryanamaskaras attain healthy long life. They become strong, knowledgeable and have courage to fight with valour. They posses brightened personality

Click the picture to see the steps in Surya Namaskar, the Sun Salutation

Surya Namaskar, the Sun Salutation